
June 2023’s ASMR Highlights: The 20 Triggers You Need to Know

What if I told you that the soundtrack to your relaxation for this month could include everything from the rustle of rain to the soothing sounds of skincare? Yes, it’s that time again where we plunge into the peculiar yet pleasing world of ASMR. June 2023 has been a fascinating month, and boy, do we have some auditory treats to share with you! So, if you’ve ever found yourself strangely soothed by the click of a keyboard or the gentle whisper of a secret, this is the blog post for you. Here are June 2023’s ASMR highlights: the top 20 triggers that you absolutely need to know. They’re so intriguing; even your cat’s curious purrs made the list! Just kidding – or am I? Let’s dive in and find out!

How Was the Data Collected?

To find out the most popular ASMR trigger trends I used the Google API to collect data from YouTube videos. By searching for specific keywords within the videos and counting them based on their view counts within a month, we were able to determine the top trends that resonated with ASMR enthusiasts.

Top 20 ASMR Triggers for June 2023

Top 20 ASMR Triggers for June 2023

And just like that, we’re at the end of our audio extravaganza for June 2023! We’ve seen roleplay making a grand leap from 4th place last month to now sharing the spotlight with our good old friend, tapping. From immersive role-playing scenarios to the consistent rhythm of tapping, it’s been an auditory feast! Whether you found your peace in the soothing whispers, SKs, mouth sounds, or the comforting patter of rain, there’s been something for everyone. Remember, there’s no end to the sensory delights the world of ASMR has to offer. So, keep your ears open, your mind relaxed, and stay tuned for more tingles. Until next time!

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